As we’ve sheltered in place, there have been plenty of social media memes and shares addressing weight gain. Closed gyms and snacks with Netflix can do a number on our scale and on our waistline.

Navigating weight management during a shelter-in-place, I’ve relied on the gift of a dear friend. Entering the path of becoming a stay at home mom, I was blessed to have a mentor and neighbor guide me in many ways in my new role. She was a veteran on this trail, having left employment a few years earlier to become a full-time mom.


Words of Wisdom

quarantine weight gainJulie cautioned me to be conscious about selecting my daily wardrobe. She shared from personal experience, “if you wear sweatpants you soon might fit them”. That light bulb moment set me on a path of choosing mostly fitted clothes… because they tell no lies. When pants start to feel snug, I am less likely to delude myself that it is the result of the dryer but probably comes from my mouth. Julie’s wisdom has served me well.

Current fashion trends and time sheltering at home has taken workout wear and yoga type pants to everyday style. While they offer comfort, yoga pants can mask the reality of weight gain. The stretch and give of the fabric can easily accommodate and yet disguise an unwanted 5 pounds… heck, an unwanted 10 pounds. That’s the dichotomy of the good-news-bad-news of stretchy pants.


Food is Fuel

food is fuelI tend to be more calorie conscious in my effort to manage weight, subscribing to the belief that food is fuel used to power my body. When I consume extra food, it is “stored” on my butt or gut as a stash for future need. Too much stored stash equals pants that don’t fit. Reducing calorie input means that stored fuel will be depleted. Modern math of supply and demand.

The trick is to keep an eye on where you are at, weighing monthly when it seems you’re holding your size. When there is a need to “reduce storage”, I use a Health and Fitness app like Lose It! to diligently watch calories and weight until I’m back where I feel good. Digital tools really help you stay accountable and disciplined in managing weight.

While not a workout queen, the fitness apps help quantify the calorie-burning gift of exercise. Exercise offers so many benefits to physical and emotional health. I know I  guiltily acknowledge a need to commit to more regular workouts to realize all the obvious benefits. Maybe in 2021! 


Sleek Belt Inspiration

the sleek beltI credit my friends’ counsel to avoid sweat pants as contributing to me creating The Sleek Belt®. Fitted pants mean those pants can start out the day sitting in just the right place, but as the day progresses they start to stretch and sag. Belts are the magic accessory to keep pants in place but traditional belts add bulk and bulge, often where we don’t need more of either. I solved this problem with The Sleek Belt as it instantly secures and invisibly keeps pants in place. The belt without a buckle design offers a smooth, lump-free belt line so untucked tops look smooth and flowing. 

I pass on the wisdom I received from Julie to trade workout wear for fitted jeans or slacks. As we venture back into the world, fitted pants provide the gift of honest feedback about our weight and perhaps even our health. Know The Sleek Belt® is the perfect partner in keeping pants in place.